With the motto “Be assured as borrowing from relatives” and always find solutions to help customers solve thier financial problems, VietCredit has cooperated with VASS Assurance Corporation to design a special individuals credit insurance package for consumers loan when registering to open VietCredit Credit Card.
Accordingly, if the cardholder unfortunately encounters unexpected events leading to the insolvency, VASS will deputize the cardholder to pay for VietCredit the outstanding balance arising at the time of the insurance event and the interest on balance within 45 days from the start date of the insurance event.
Especially, on 9th August 2020, VietCredit official launching a Promotion program: “Bao hiem nhan lien, hoan tien cuc chat”, we will cashback 100% insurance fee for customers as our gratefulness to loyal customers with good payment history but haven’t had credit insurance yet.
Please see more details on the newspapers below!